Friday, August 6, 2010

Blowfish Wild Life Boot

Hello All!

Long time no post! Sorry about that! I hope everyone has been having a wonderful summer!

Fall is approaching- and something you all are going to need this fall: a good pair of boots.

These ones are just *sigh* Very Fashion forward- low but chic heel and beautifully made. These boots are definitely a must have :D

They are easily paired with some skinny jeans, and a feminine blazer layered over a boyfriend Tee. Make sure you have some longer necklace strands as an accessory!

Product Info: Blowfish Wildlife Boots. $57.39




I have just realized that there is nothing 'daily' about this blog. *Laughs*
Joys of being overly busy and consumed with this crazy thing we call life!
*Watches Joe throw a baseball at the window and goes over to correct him on that VERY wrong doing*
So, I decided that I will try my best to keep this as daily as life lets me keep it :)

I am hoping to make my first post in awhile - today. But, then again- there are no promises :)

Hope you all are having an amazing, wonderful, BEAUTIFUL day!
